Discovery Leads To Recovery

4 min readNov 20, 2022


With personal growth comes transformation and as much as we all want to transform our lives, it usually happens in small changes at a time!

Now, don’t let this deter you! Just because you aren’t destined to some epiphany moment where your life changes all in one night — doesn’t mean your transformation is going to be any less spectacular!

In fact, these small changes that lead up to the big transformation, are what make the transformation so big!

Here’s why!

Now, as my original readers may have noticed… this newsletter has just transformed before your very eyes!

The reason being — it’s me! Hi! I’m the problem, it’s me! (yes that was a tiktok reference if you were wondering).

So I want to first say welcome to my new newsletter!

A place where you, my friends get to share in my greatest passion because it turned out to be my biggest personal growth tool — journaling!

Every time you open up this newsletter you will be provided a journal prompt that you can use for your own journaling.

With that also comes my response to the prompt.

My purpose for doing this is to show every single one of you that being vulnerable with yourself is the best source of strength training.

If you are vulnerable with yourself, you understand yourself and when you understand yourself — you take action on what it is you know you need/want.

It’s a feeling of authentic power that I can’t explain, so instead, I am going to help you feel it for yourself!

All you have to ask yourself is this: are you willing to get uncomfortable to start building more confidence, a growth mindset, and a life you enjoy being the star of?

If so, then LET’S GO!

Discovery Leads To Recovery

Now, let’s get to the good stuff!

Our first journal prompt is all about providing yourself a chance to discover something about yourself that you can use to help recover from something you have experienced.

So with that said, here is your journal prompt for today

Journal Prompt: Discover to Recover!


What is something you went through that was so hard for you to overcome?

What did that moment teach you about yourself that allows you to better handle a moment like that if it arises in your future?

For me, this prompt brought up 2 themes in my answers (and yes, I have answered this multiple times for multiple moments in my life).

I will show you an example from my own personal journal of each.

Can you spot the themes?

My First Heartbreak

Response 1: My 1st Heartbreak

In my first heartbreak what I learned about myself (or maybe relearned — but that still counts as unlearning something can be just as bad as not ever learning it at all) was that I didn’t need a man to remind me of my worth.

I was strong, powerful, brave, and bold and most of all — I was kind. He didn’t take that from me so why would I allow him to take away my strength or my worth?

With that heartbreak came me discovering two of my core values -kindness and respect for others.

Meaning, I never waste my time or energy on a cheater because I know we are two very different people, and I love that!

My Fear of Failure

Response 2: My First Failure

If you look at my first failure, however, you will see I didn’t discover something about myself that felt empowering (like the first example), but rather the opposite.

I discovered that I was allowing my fear of failure to hold me back from putting my all into anything. Let me tell you, it was not a good feeling coming to this realization. I was pissed at myself.

But being angry at myself didn’t get me anything but a bad mood, self-loathing, and just a general dissatisfaction with my life and I knew I couldn’t live that way forever.

So I embraced the knowledge instead and decided to fight it with one of my favorite psychological tricks to overcoming fear — exposure!

Now I shout my failures from the rooftop!

In fact, speaking of my failures did you know that I opened and closed a business in one year?

Yup… I didn’t make a dime from it either. But I learned so much about myself that the cost was well worth it!

Point Of This Prompt:

My point in providing you this prompt is to give you space to come to good and bad realizations about yourself.

While you do this you need to open yourself up to the emotions that arise whether it be joy or empowerment or discomfort or anger.

Feel it, be present in it. Then do something to benefit and grow from it!

Our power lies now and if you want to recover from your past you need to discover where you are in your present.

The good, the bad, the ugly, and the beautiful!

Now get to writing, and living, your story!




With the help of journaling, I found myself again! Now, I am here to remind you how to use each day to channel the best version of yourself! #liveyourstory