Powering Through The Tough Shit!

3 min readJun 26, 2022

No matter how passionate you are about something or how hard you want to succeed at something, there will always be steps along the way that you either don’t want to do or is hard for you to do.

These are the steps that are just far enough out of reach that you feel like you have to extend yourself so far you may just miss it all together and start free falling into destruction.

Why do we need to deal with the tough shit anyway?

Simple answer… the tough shit triggers our doubt, worries, and fears!

Sometimes they appear so far away that they stop us in our tracks completely and we end up feeling stuck.

As challenging as they may to face they are also the steps that teach you the most in your journey and more times than not will contribute a great deal to your success overall!

Steps are made to be taken in life. No matter how far your next one appears just know that it is designed for you to take it, and make it!

But how do you make it!?

Make Your Next Step!

If you have come to a point in your life that your next step is dragging on as you keep procrastinating and procrastinating… then try this!

Make a timeline — this is what I call your ACTION PLAN!

We all have had due dates in our life, meaning we have all had our brains work and focus on things based on the intention of getting it done by the due date.

Our brains are used to this reward system — this is why when you complete things on time it feels good. Your brain already knows to reward you.


Give your long term goal a due date and build a timeline of actionable steps you can take to get to that goal.

The best way to do this — Convert your goals into habits!

Turn Your Goals Into Habits!

Breaking down your goals into actionable items is HUGE!

Breaking them down further into DAILY habits — LIFE CHANGING!

If you want to try it out for yourself check out my free workbook — Creating Intentional Goals.

I use this workbook to help me turn my major goals into easier to manage actionable items AND daily habits so I feel better about how I lived each day at the end of it.

Creating Intentional Goals Workbookkelspiration.gumroad.com

Anyone can create goals, the hard part is sticking to them! The key to goal making is to make them clear, trackable, time sensitive, and related to your purpose/mission.

Goals are what you make them and if you make goals that don’t really matter to you, doesn’t relate to anything you are working hard to succeed, or just feels unnatural or forced — they won’t get you anywhere and you will not stick to them!

This guide provides you with a framework to approach every goal you set for yourself from this point!

For more helpful tips around self love, self care and things personal growth — please feel free to subscribe to this newsletter and connect with me on any of the following social platforms!

I am happy to answer any questions or just listen to your process/story! I’ve always been a good listener!





With the help of journaling, I found myself again! Now, I am here to remind you how to use each day to channel the best version of yourself! #liveyourstory