Stop Ignoring Your Desire To Grow! Unleash Your Growth Mindset!

3 min readMay 13, 2022

I truly believe that everyone has a growth mindset, we all just need to figure out how to unleash it again!

It’s easy to classify yourself as obtaining either a fixed or growth mindset but I think we are far more complex creatures than that.

I think it’s human nature to switch between both, and here is why!

We all channelled our growth mindset as children.

Growing up we learned and grew as we aged.

We observed and learned naturally, without hesitation.

We learned to talk, walk, dance, read, write, and so much more!

Just because it’s harder to access now doesn’t mean it’s gone forever!

We use it when it is convenient.

When we do something new and it is easy for us, we unleash our growth mindset to learn and grow with each progression.

For example, a writer learning a new format to write in or a baker trying a new recipe.

It could be easy to learn because they have the basic skills mastered. But because it’s a bit new, it challenges them to learn something whether it be a new format or a new combination of ingredients!

We use it when we want to use it.

When we want to learn something as an adult (new language, new skill for work, etc…) we eventually learn it!

We learn it through practice and then master it through repetition.

We don’t think about it because we feel like we have no choice but to learn it. We don’t celebrate it because we assume it’s a basic skill to know.

When we want to use it, we do. Every time!

There is no excuse worthy enough to ignore it!

It’s easy to unleash your growth mindset if you make the effort to try and unleash it. As long as you face every challenge with the intentions you do when it’s easy to learn — you will see that you can learn it!

So stop holding yourself back!

In fact, I won’t let you anymore!

I created a workbook all around understanding and channeling your growth mindset.

It’s a great tool to use when you want to unleash the growth mindset beast that is hiding within!

Check out the Growth vs. Fixed Mindset Workbook here!

For more helpful tips around self love, self care and things personal growth — please feel free to subscribe to this newsletter and connect with me on any of the following social platforms!

I am happy to answer any questions or just listen to your process/story! I’ve always been a good listener!





With the help of journaling, I found myself again! Now, I am here to remind you how to use each day to channel the best version of yourself! #liveyourstory